February 2024

Dear St. John’s Family,

As we begin 2024 may we reflect on all the wonderful things that have happened over the past several years. Someone once told me, “you can’t change events, people, the weather, etc. but you can change your perspective”. That is so true. Our St. John’s family has had many challenges over the last several years. I am writing this on December 14 and have just finished the Advent devotion which included portions of Psalm 126. The verses that I felt were appropriate for us are “Restore our fortunes, Lord, like the streams of Negev” and “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed”.

It was distressing to have to deliver the news that a portion of a room in the Sunday School wing was being destroyed by termites; that our sewage system had basically collapsed and the recommendation was to hook up to the public sewer; that portions of the HVAC system in the Fellowship Hall had to be replaced, that the rain gutters were bad and needed to be replaced. Yet you as our church family always supported the church council and gave us permission to fix what needed to be fixed.

Going back to my statement on perspective, we can now say we have a room with a new wall and no termites, a functioning sewer system, a functioning HVAC system in the Fellowship Hall and brand new rain gutters which will prevent any further rotting of the wood enclosing them. Out of His abundant love for us, He also blessed us with a brand new floor in the Fellowship Hall and brand new comfortable chairs to go with it! God is a God of love. He wants to bless us. He will never abandon us.

We are saddened by Pastor Dan and Holly’s retirement. As stated in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…”. Those of us who are retired know how wonderful retirement can be and we wish that for Pastor and Holly. We also know that they are members of our church family and in due time will return to worship with us. May we continue to pray for the pastor God has waiting for us knowing that it will happen in His time and in His way.

Peace and Blessings,
Janet Levengood

Updated: February 6, 2024 — 4:58 pm