2024 Church Council

The current members of the Church Council include:
Eric Foster – President
Dana Richard – Vice President
Dave Gibson – Secretary
Ruth Bildstein
Lucy Fink
Mickey Fink
Brian Hersh
Linda Keiter
Roger Shirey
Tess Trate

The Church Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God, the Lutheran Confessions and the faith and practice of the NALC.

The members of the Church Council except the pastor(s) shall be elected by majority vote at the annual meeting of the congregation. They shall serve terms of two (2) years or until their successors are elected. Their terms shall begin on the Sunday immediately after the meeting at which they are elected. Newly elected Church Council members shall be installed at worship on any Sunday after the date they assume office. Members shall be eligible to serve no more than two full terms consecutively.

Amongst the members of Church Council up to 2 can be Junior Council Members, to serve up to 2 consecutive one (1) year terms. Junior Council members would be confirmed youth through 12th grade.