December 2022

“Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, good will toward man.”

Luke 2:14

Dear Friends in Christ,

It seems like baseball season just ended and now it’s time for Christmas already. The Phillies gave their fans an early Christmas present by getting to the World Series, just too bad they couldn’t win it all. Jesus won it all for us when He came to save us. He was born in Bethlehem and went on to live the most amazing life fulfilling the Father’s will. Jesus went all the way to the Cross for us and then rose victorious from the grave. This was the plan since the fall from grace in Genesis 3. Let’s go back in time, back to Bethlehem as we prepare for another Christmas.

When the angels announced that Christ the Savior was born, they acknowledged the glory and majesty of God by giving praise. Jesus Himself was the Word made flesh, God in person. His peace only comes to people who receive Him and acknowledge Him for who He is. Otherwise, Christmas is just a day of food and company and presents. We know it is so much more.

The peace of Rome, historically the “Pax Romana,” came through war and conflict and submission to the will of the Roman emperor. The peace the angels sang of was a deeper, lasting internal peace of mind and soul that is received by faith. It came in the humble manger where Jesus was born. It came in a way that was not expected. The Jewish people were looking for a political leader to deliver them from oppression, some were looking for relief from hardship and illness. But Jesus came to deliver us from sin and death and the power of the Devil.

Jesus would come to be known as the “Prince of Peace.” May you receive Him into your heart and your home this Christmas and may He give you the best gift, the gift of His love.

Merry Christmas,
Pastor Dan

Updated: December 1, 2022 — 6:38 pm