April 2023

“Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem that does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”

Luke 24:18

Dear Friends in Christ,

Jesus was asked this question as He walked on the road to Emmaus with two disciples. Of course, Jesus knew what happened. He had been crucified, died, and was buried and then on Easter Sunday morning rose from the dead. That was good news, the best news, the news that changed everything and validated everything Jesus said and did. The news started spreading and it has continued to spread through time and history to our very day. It’s hard to believe that some people have never heard. The Church has a mission to continue to spread that good news.

The week before Easter is called Holy Week. Our Lenten preparation goes to a whole new level when Holy Week arrives on Palm Sunday. We focus on the events that took place that week from His entrance into Jerusalem until His death on the cross and burial on Good Friday. Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week commemorates Jesus’ triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and the Passion of Christ is read in the Service. On Maundy (Holy) Thursday, the Church gives thanks for the gift of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) and then at the conclusion of the Service strips the Altar in anticipation of Good Friday. Good Friday is the most somber of all the days of the Church Year, yet a note of joy remains as the name indicates.

Easter is more than a one day celebration. It is a fifty day season from the Day of resurrection to the Day of Pentecost. Easter echoes through all the Sundays of the Church Year making every Sunday its own little Easter.

Happy Easter
Pastor Dan

Special Note:

Many of you know that at the March Council meeting I shared that I will be retiring at the end of the year and concluding my Interim time here at St. John’s. It will be five years here and they have been good ones. Holly and I love all of you and have enjoyed serving at St. John’s, but it is time. I will also be handing off my private practice counseling office in Allentown to some younger Christian counselors.

The NALC Regional Dean and the Central Mission District Dean attended the Council meeting and assured Council that they will be doing their best and working with the Congregation in the process of calling your next Pastor. They are committed to keeping St. John’s strong and able to continue into the future and exploring various options.

Again, we will be here until the end of the year so by Christmas we will be finishing up. We have plenty of time to accomplish the things we need to do until then. This will be a time for prayer and conversation and most importantly trusting the Lord. Thank you and God bless you all.

Updated: April 5, 2023 — 4:49 pm